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Hatha | Ashtanga | Vinyasa | Yin | bhakti


Hatha Yoga is a branch of Raja Yoga and its school that focuses on physical postures and breathing exercises. This school was started in India in the 15th century by Yogi Swatmarama. His major book is "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" by Swami Svatmarama.

Ha-Tha means Sun and Moon. When written together, it means "strong" and symbolizes how much power it takes to cleanse the body. Swatmara thought of Hatha yoga as asanas (postures) and pranayamas (breathing techniques) to prepare and strengthen the body for long meditation sessions.

Physical exercises and stress-reducing breathing exercises practiced today in the Western world, known as yoga, emerged from Hatha yoga and are performed for the purpose of mental and physical health.​


Ashtanga yoga is a yoga system that was brought to the modern world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009). This yoga system is based on synchronizing the breath with a gradual series of asanas, through which the intense inner heat and purifying sweat that accumulates in the muscles and organs are excreted from the body. As a result, blood circulation is strengthened, a lighter and stronger body and a calm mind are obtained.


Yin Yoga, which aims to reach the connective tissues instead of the muscles by staying in the poses longer than normal, thus affecting the body more deeply, allows the person to look inside himself and get closer to himself by providing deepening in the breath, body and mind harmony at the same time.

While the connective tissues in the spine, waist, hips and legs are aimed especially, the muscles here are left passive and the body is taught to relax. While it provides stretching in the body, it also prepares the body for meditation.

Yin Yoga is a meditative practice that balances your active yoga practice and allows the body to explore the sense of perception more deeply while playing with your own limits. 

Vinyasa yoga focuses on transitions and movements, where less time is spent in fixed poses; It is a style of yoga in which poses are combined to create a single flowing sequence of movements.
It is very effective at moving in harmony with the breath and allowing the body to flow in new directions.

The aim in Vinyasa Yoga is to improve proprioception by flowing through certain chains of movement rather than staying in the pose for a long time.


Mostly, bhakti is based on the root word bhaj, meaning "to devote" or "to participate". Shandilya defines bhakti as "devotion to God with personal and intense love" in the second verse of his famous sutra on bhakti.

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The Vaishnava sage Narada elaborates on this definition in his Narada-bhakti-sutra: "Bhakti consists in submitting one's every action to the Supreme Lord and suffering greatly from forgetting Him." (Sutra 19)

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The first book of the Bhagavatam defines bhakti as parama-dharma, or "the highest and most fulfilling function of the soul." Therefore bhakti is the supreme thing in Vaishnava thought.

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Bhakti Yoga has nine practices: hearing about God (svaranam), repeating God's names (kirtanam), remembering God (visnu smaranam), serving the Lord's lotus feet (pada sevanam), worshiping God (arcanam) ), to pray to God (vandanam), to keep God's commandments (dasyam), to serve God as a friend (sakhyam), to surrender completely to God (atma nivedanam).

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