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Yoga Practice


Sureyya Akara with Ural


Hormone Yoga Therapy Imbalances in the endocrine and nervous system By benefiting from the resources of the body, mind and spirit in a natural, sustainable and holistic way

It helps to heal.

The basis of education is breathing, movement and exercise, which regulates reproductive and thyroid hormones.

meditations lie.

The studies have been compiled from Tai Chi, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Tibetan Practices and are a highly stimulating and refreshing exercise in the natural and individual strength that women all over the world have used as an alternative to chemical hormone supplements for 40 years.

In regular practice, 254% improvement in 12 weeks has been determined as a result of research.

In addition, in the Theoretical part, the Power of Menstruation (Menstruation Awareness), Menopause process, Basic Ayurvedic Information and Circadian Nutrition Rhythm, Uterine Wisdom, Vaginal steam bath preparation, Physical and Subtle practices that we can easily integrate into our daily lives, such as cutting ties and energetic protection shield meditation. I am sharing.


We will learn about the unique creative potential of Menstruation and why Menopausal Sisters are "Moon Queens".

We will receive gifts from Mother Earth, Mother of Mothers, and remember our bond with her.

You are invited to experience the miracle of creation that reflects within us, based on the codes of the female endocrine system!

It is an invitation to all women and sisters who wish to explore their vast creative expression in the cyclical nature, wisdom of the womb, and honor of the holy time of the month. Intended to explore and release the social and cultural conditioning, myths and taboos around femininity, the female body and menstruation, it heals, brings deeper intimacy and awakens the courage to live one's authentic nature and life from the heart and in harmony with the feminine core.

Circular awareness, the art of self love, movement practice, breathing work, questioning, prayer, initiation and sharing are the mainstays of this path of rediscovering feminine beauty and confidence. This workshop combines deep inner work, the healing and power of the women's community, empowerment and celebration. It is a safe and supportive space to explore themes of self-care, self-denial and self-acceptance, body image and sexuality, to live in harmony with the sacred lunar cycle, and to reconnect with the legacy of female ancestors and Mother Earth.
You are lovingly invited to connect with the wisdom of the Moon Queen!


Dates :  The training will open when the prescribed number of participants is reached.

Every Sunday 10.00 -11.45 Hormone Yoga Therapy
      _cc781905-5cde-3194- ccde-3194- 136bad_531365cf -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_    12.45 - 14.45 Theory (includes 10 min break)


Week 1 Content

Hormone Therapy and Female Body-Mental-Mental Health

1 week

Session 1

Mindfulness Body Scan Meditation

Introduction to Hormone Yoga Therapy
Reproductive Hormone Flow

2nd Session
✅Theory & Philosophy

Women's Circles Past and Present

As soon as it is : Enzo

Intention Meditation

Examining the Yoga Therapy Flux

Bastrika Breath

Spine Health

Kali & Ganesha Mudra

Introduction to the endocrine system


Hormones 101

Cortisol Hormone

Happiness Hormones

Seratonin - Dopamine - Oxytocin - Endorphin

2 weeks

Session 1

Reproductive System
Yoga | Breathing | Meditation

The Disconnection Meditation

Hormone Yoga Therapy | Reproduction and HYT Breath (Circulation)


Ho'oponopono Philosophy

Ujjayi Breath

Fire Element and Agni

Pituitary Gland and Hormones

Nutrition Rhythm and Ayurveda

The Pineal Gland and Its Hormones

Thyroid Gland and Hormones

Botany (Phytology)





Kitchari Recipe for Hormones

Three weeks


Energetic Body Purification & Shield Meditation

Joint Heating with Dance

Reproductive System

Yoga | Breathing | Meditation


Estrogen & Progesterone

Menopause: Moon Queens

How do we benefit from the power of Menstruation?

Foods That Feed Life Energy

Anahata Chakra

Solar Plexus Cachea

Root Chakra



Yoga for Thyroid | Breathing | Meditation


Uterine Heart Connection

Womb Wisdom

Vaginal Steam Bath & Natural Vaginal Suppositories Recipe


FEE: 600 TL

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